Conversation 5 by Allen liu


The article from CNBC discusses the relationship between money and happiness. It says that while money is important for meeting basic needs, such as healthcare and a safe place to live, it does not bring happiness beyond a certain point. A well-known study found that people tend to feel happier the more money they make up to $75,000 per year per person. A more recent study found that the ideal income point for individuals is $95,000 for life satisfaction and $60,000 to $75,000 for emotional well-being. What this article suggests is that money brings happiness based on how much your income is.

The video from ted talk suggests that too many choices are the reason we are not happy as we have so many things to choose from we want everything and it also suggests that the way to happiness is to have low expectations.

In my opinion money can bring happiness because it helps people survive by purchasing things that you need everyday such as food, clothing, house, and healthcare. Without these it is difficult for people to experience happiness as they will be living life on hard mode. Being able to enjoy life and do things that make people happy, like travelling, engaging in hobbies, and spending time with loved ones, is another way that money makes people happy. According to Barry Schwartz he says that there are too many choices in life and that can destroy your happiness because you want everything. But if you think it about it this way what if you have the money to buy the different things you want, if you have the money then you can experience everything. Another reason money brings happiness is job security and income. According to the CNBC article it states “a 2018 study from Purdue University used much wider data from the Gallup World Poll and found that the ideal income point for individuals is $95,000 for life satisfaction and $60,000 to $75,000 for emotional well-being.” It suggests that people who have more money and salary are generally more satisfied with their lives than those who have less. In conclusion money can lead to happiness because it makes life easier for you.

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