Ale’s DB#5


in the article “From the ‘perfect’ salary to keeping up with the Joneses, here’s how money really affects your happiness” by Cory Stieg, gives so many details of why money doesn't bring happiness into our life. instead makes us miserable. it really depends on how you grew up and was raised, if you were raised very poorly, meaning without any food, shelter, clothes or the love of your family. At one point in your life you going to make money depending on how much you push yourself to it but those who grew up without nothing, money can bring them happiness. and joy ,since people can then sastified their needs like they never thought they could. in my opinion it really depends on the person, some are very competetive and jealous of what the other has, so even if you have all the money in the world but you see someone else with more. can lead to depression and questioning youself am i doing enough???. we all as humans think this everyday but it depends on who you are. money it's just a piece of paper with value and the value of money is our time, so we still need it to survive no matter how we get it, we have to get it!. in the ted talk also talks about how It is clearly true that having minimal expectations is the key to happiness. But, it's also true that exercising one's right to freedom requires accepting responsibility for one's actions. I've never had a choice anxiety. I've given some decisions more thought than I'd like. Knowing which decisions are most crucial can help you concentrate on them.
i agree with both money doesn't buy happiness, why because you work your whole life to get a career only for the money and to "better your life" without any debt and the stress of not having enough to sustain yourself and your family . ive seen family members get money and push everyone away just to achieve that to then later on regret it.

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