I selected an article from Cult 101 called “‘Breatharians’ Believe You Can Survive on Air Alone”. This article is about cult that believes you can survive on air and the energy you receive from sunlight, and they call themselves breatharians. The article begins with a positive outlook or narrative on what it is like to be a part of this cult. They do so by telling us about Ana-Maria Stefania who was instantly smitten with breatharians and proceeds to tell the readers how consuming less food has made her feel much better and at the time of the article she had been in the cult for three years. Thankfully, the transition to this “diet” is not immediate, it is gradual starting with vegetarian and other things before surviving strictly on a liquid diet. However, after this the article them takes us through the medical aspects of this article and how it would affect us long term, stating that it would be impossible to survive this way for the rest of your life. From this I have learned that I do not agree with this lifestyle and this is not a cult I could ever see myself joining because I think the medical ramifications for this would be drastic and I would end up having a disorder of some sort.