Feedback on week 2/ Language

Hi Everyone,

The posts about Beyonce’s song “Formation” were absolutely impressive, very dynamic and fun to read. Many of you went above and beyond the assignment requirements. You noted that the song is about feminism, African American female empowerment and pride, heritage, Black Lives Matter, police brutality, identity, reversal of slavery, professional success, and female unity, among others. Thank you for everyone’s insights and hard work. BUT: some of you are forgetting to reply to classmates. Please do so in future posts.

I also graded your quizzes on language. Overall, the more specific you are, the better: naming which rhetorical devices the speakers use, and analyzing them. If you received partial credit, you didn’t say enough to fully answer the question, or you used rhetorical devices that were not covered in class (the latter implies that you did not review the course work for week 2 but instead searched for rhetorical devices on google–am I wrong? If so, let me know!).

I hope you are having a smooth and productive week,

Prof. Barnes