Conversation 2

The message that Beyonce is trying to convey through the song and video of Formation, is black empowerment, black pride, feminism and also the issues that black people and other minority groups go through in the US, also the US’s past with slavery and racism. The context of the music video was the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, which made the music video filled with more tension. As I was younger this song was viral everywhere, I would hear it on the radio in my mom’s car, even in school dance club. Obviously as a kid I’m more oblivious and don’t really think about the lyrics of a song, or the music video so I didn’t think much of it, I just liked the song. As I grew older, I’d say around high school I listened to the song again, and really grasped the idea that she was singing more than just a song she was singing something cultural and political.

Matsoukas really helped Beyonce convey these messages by first of all accepting Beyonce’s request of getting what she wants for the music video and also being able to publish it as fast as she can. I want to start off by mentioning all the settings that was chosen for example, the pools demonstrating segregation, New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and during the BLM movement, and the plantation house which symbolizes racism. Also, Matsoukas in this music video only included people of color which helped Beyonce convey her message. I think the thing that stuck with me the most is the fact that there were cops surrounding a black kid just because he was dancing and then a sign stating “Stop shooting us” shows up demonstrating the police brutality black people go through.

I found examples of sarcasm and emotive language. The sarcasm I found was her using the lyrics “albino alligators” to compare what people too. Some emotive language I found in her lyrics is uplifting natural black features “I like my baby with heir with baby hair and afros I like my negro nose with Jackson five nostrils”, people still believe in a standard white beauty standard and I think Beyonce using these lyrics really prove black power.

I think this song became controversial because during this time a lot of Illumaniti conspiracy theories were involving, so Beyonce mentioning it also caused some chaos. None the less that’s the least important mention of the song, the music video is very political and demonstrates how the US has treated and treats black people. When someone as successful as Beyonce makes a song and music video like this people talk, and people realize how this nation has really let down black people. This video demonstrates how strong black people are going through racism, segregation, police brutality and so much more yet still hold themselves high with power here in the US.