Conversation 1

Critical thinking is a more advanced form on how to think with our brains to help us put things into judgment. Critical thinking requires skills such as questioning the scenario, analyzing the scenario and evaluating the situation you’re put in. On the contrary to just doing what you first think of, critical thinking requires you to go in depth with your brain before you react. With critical thinking we are able to improve our decision making skills and problem solving skills. 

Gary Meegan in his video creates a relationship between critical thinking and art. In my personal opinion I really enjoyed this connection he made because it further analyzes what critical thinking really is. When he mentions how with art it takes time and practice to get good at, it’s the same process to have this critical thinking skill. Gary Meegan also mentions the steps to take to critically think such as analyzing, thinking, and evaluating. Gary believes it’s important for people to really undersatand the thoughts and actions of others.

Jesse Richardson believes how a human should think should be taught as a child. He believes just like math it’s also  just as important to learn how to think. Jesse views critical thinking as a life skill, something that is necessary to benefit us. If kids are taught to think critically at a young age, then they’ll be able to prosper as adults. Children should be engaged to question and analyze things, not just find an answer. He believes teaching kids to critically think at a young age opens a door for creativity and independence. 

I agree with both perspectives, because when we learn to critically think we are only increasing our mind growth, in no way or form is critical thinking something harmful to learn. When we learn to critically think , we’ll improve in decision making and problem solving skills. I agree that just like Gary said critical thinking is a art and just like art takes time to perfect, so does critical thinking skills, which is why we should teach kids how to think at a young age just like Jesse said. 

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