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- Due DateFriday, October 16, 202011:59 PMPoints Possible100
Review your essay completed in module 3. Ensure that it includes a clear thesis statement and two direct quotes (one from each of the assigned readings). Also, check that the essay meets the requirements for MLA documentation and includes properly formatted works cited page. Upload your new essay to this assignment. It will be run through SafeAssign to check for the authenticity of your work.Due by 10/16 at 11:59 p.m.
English 101- Essay One: Sedaris and AnzalduaRead the two questions below carefully and then choose only ONE. Write a thesis-centered essay of at least 500 words in response to this one question. Be sure your essay addresses all parts of the question.You have 90 minutes to compose, revise, and proofread your work. You are permitted to use two writing aids on this exam: (1) a paper dictionary (no electronic dictionaries), and (2) notes written on the articles that you made in the margins or blank spaces of the exam readings. As you develop your essay, make sure that you provide sufficient support throughout your essay. Analyze your examples to show their relevance to your argument. Use your own observations, experiences, or other sources to develop your claims. When you cite directly from the readings, use proper MLA in text citation________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please choose ONE of the following two prompts to draft an essay. You want to start with a clear opinion or question: thesis. Make sure you have 2-3 quotes in total that are important to support your thesis from David Sedaris’s “Me Talk Pretty One Day” and Gloria Anzaldua’s “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.” Make sure you have a least one quote from both readings. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________1) Explore the connection between language and identity. Is language/ the multiple languages one learns personal to the way someone develops and relates to the world?2) Explore the costs and process of learning through the essays we have read. How does learning language impact humans everyday?
EST Time: 60 mins