This Week (until October 10th)

Hello Scholars,

Thank you for a great class today.  The video is in the Blackboard announcement. 

This week we are in Module 4, but please make sure you are up to with all tasks and readings so far.  By tonight at 11:59 p.m. you should have submitted your first essay exam, which is in Module 3.

This week please post in Discussion Board 3 which you will find in Module 4. Please also look at the supporting materials which talk about how to write correct MLA format citations, proper sentence structure, commas and semi-colons. The Anzaldua quiz in Module 4 is optional.

This week, please join our BMCC OpenLab group if you have not already done so. Then please attempt to post your VoiceThread Poem, or the video or audio you created for this assignment. We will discuss your experiences next week. This is a work in progress, so don’t worry if you don’t succeed, but please make an attempt.

Please have a look at the final exam readings by Burkeman and Emerson, and please choose one quote from each reading. We will begin to examine the themes of the final exam readings. There are also audio recordings of the final exam readings in our class website. (BurkemanEmerson)

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at, or send a message to our WhatsApp group, or text me at 917-650-0515.

See you in Zoom, next Saturday October 10th at 8 a.m.

Have an excellent week,


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