September 12th Class Notes


Hello All,

Thank you for your excellent participation in this week’s class. The video of our zoom meeting is in Blackboard.

I hope that by now you have had a chance to connect with your Accountability Group in Blackboard, either on Collaborate or on a Discussion Board or by email. If so, please have one member report back to me and let me know whether any issues arose

Before our next class please do the following:

1. Practice using Voice Thread, or use another app or program to record a multimedia version of your poem to share with the class. You can find the Voice Thread link at the top of Module 2.

2. Watch the two videos about Close Reading in Module 2. Then read and annotate the Sedaris piece and the Anzaldua piece. I recommend that you print them out. You can use the audio and video recordings while you read if you find that helps.

3. OPTIONAL. You will have to complete at least three discussions and three other low stakes assignments during the course of the semester. If you so choose, you can participate in Discussion Board 2, which can be found in Module 2. I recommend that you choose this option.

4. For extra credit, please arrange a 15 minute meeting with me by zoom or telephone. I am available most of Saturday, Sunday evening, Monday evening, most of Tuesday, and most of Thursday and Friday. You will be excused from one of the discussion boards if you choose this option.

Because of there being no classes at CUNY between September 18-20, our next Zoom meeting will be on September 26th.

See you in class!


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