Final Exam (update)

Final Exam has been posted in BLACKBOARD under EXAMS, you can take your FINAL EXAM any time from Wednesday December 08 at 8:00 pm to Tuesday December 14 at 11:59pm (Latest), you will be given 4 hours to take your Final Exam, it must be taken in one sitting.

FINAL EXAM will cover:

To prepare for your FINAL EXAM go over:

Review for FINAL EXAM and watch the video

Scientific Calculator IS ALLOWED.

DESMOS Scientific Calculator from our website IS ALLOWED.

Exam 3

At the end of the ZOOM Lecture 24 on Monday November 29, Exam 3 will be posted in BLACKBOARD under EXAMS, you will be able to start EXAM 3 any time from Monday 11/29/21 at 8:00 pm to Friday 12/03/21 at 11:59pm (Latest), you will be given 4 hours to take Exam 3, it must be taken in one sitting.

Exam 3 will cover:

To prepare for Exam 3 go over:

Review for Exam 3 and watch the video

Scientific Calculator IS ALLOWED.

DESMOS Scientific Calculator from our website IS ALLOWED.

Exam 2

At the end of the ZOOM Lecture 17 on Wednesday November 3, Exam 2 will be posted in BLACKBOARD under EXAMS, you will be able to start EXAM 2 any time from Wednesday 11/03/21 at 8:00 pm to Friday 11/05/21 at 11:59 pm (Latest), you will be given 4 hours to take Exam 2, it must be taken in one sitting.

Exam 2 will cover:

To prepare for Exam 2 go over:

Review for Exam 2 and watch the video

Scientific Calculator IS ALLOWED.

DESMOS Scientific Calculator from our website IS ALLOWED.