At the end of Lecture 28 on Monday May 15, FINAL EXAM will be posted in BLACKBOARD under EXAMS, you can take your FINAL EXAM any time from Monday May 15 at 8:00 pm to Tuesday May 16 at 11:59 pm (Latest), you will be given 4 hours to take your FINAL EXAM, it must be taken in one sitting.

FINAL EXAM will cover:

To prepare for your FINAL EXAM go over:

Review for FINAL EXAM and watch the video

Scientific Calculator IS ALLOWED.

DESMOS Scientific Calculator from our website IS ALLOWED.

Exam 3

At the end of the Lecture 25 on Wednesday May 03, Exam 3 will be posted in BLACKBOARD under EXAMS, you will be able to start EXAM 3 any time from Wednesday May 03 at 8:00 pm to Thursday May 04 at 11:59pm (Latest), you will be given 4 hours to take Exam 3, it must be taken in one sitting.

Exam 3 will cover:

To prepare for Exam 3 go over:

Review for Exam 3 and watch the video

Scientific Calculator IS ALLOWED.

DESMOS Scientific Calculator from our website IS ALLOWED.

Exam 2

At the end of Lecture 18 on Wednesday March 29, Exam 2 will be posted in BLACKBOARD under EXAMS, you will be able to start EXAM 2 any time from Wednesday March 29 at 8:00 pm to Thursday March 30 at 11:59 pm (Latest), you will be given 4 hours to take Exam 2, it must be taken in one sitting.

Exam 2 will cover:

To prepare for Exam 2 go over:

Review for Exam 2 and watch the video

Scientific Calculator IS ALLOWED.

DESMOS Scientific Calculator from our website IS ALLOWED.

Exam 1

At the end of Lecture 9 on Monday February 27, Exam 1 will be posted in BLACKBOARD under EXAMS, you will be able to take your Exam 1 any time from Monday February 27 at 8:00 pm to Tuesday February 28 at 11:59 pm (latest), you will be given 4 hours to take your Exam 1, it must be taken in one sitting.

Exam 1 will cover:

To prepare for Exam 1 go over:

Review for Exam 1 and watch the video

Scientific Calculator IS ALLOWED.

DESMOS Scientific Calculator from our website IS ALLOWED.