Author Archives: Amauri Garraway

Unit 10- Retention

  1. The most demotivating part about Harper’s job would be that since Jose left she now has to do extra work. Since she has to do more work, she is having a harder time balancing work/life. Then to make it worse she has to do extra work and she won’t get extra recognition or benefit from it because her boss is too busy paying attention to everyone else so it’s hard to even communicate.
  2. I would tell David that he needs to look into hiring someone to fill Jose’s role so the work load can be spread evenly. I would also tell him to do check ins with his employees so he knows what they need help with or for feedback on what he can do differently. Don’t overburden your employees, Harper felt like she had too much work because she had to take on Jose’s work load which made it hard for her to have time for her personal life. Create a culture of open communication because Harper also felt like she couldn’t talk to David how she spoke to Jose because she said that he was too busy with the rest of the team. Also to make it a priority to help employees feel valued, Harper told her friends that she doesn’t feel like she is being recognized for the work she is doing, David could give her shout outs or small bonuses for the extra work she does.
  3. The downside of losing Harper as an employee would be that for one she has been with the company for years she is experienced, two she actually liked the company so she was a loyal employee and three now he has to find someone to take on both Harper’s’ and Jose’s workloads while also making sure their workloads get done.

The Founder

  1. What made Ray Kroc and the brothers different would be their drive, motivation and the way they seen things. I say this because when the brothers didn’t succeed they just moved on to the next plan that they had they didn’t really even push or give their ideas enough time to see if they would work or not. Kroc didn’t give up it was like he was forcing thins to work and in the end it all worked out for the better. Sometimes you have to have that aggression and mindset to just see things through and not give up.
  2. Honestly I don’t think that the brothers should have sold to Ray but instead I think they should have just been more on-board with the ideas and things he wanted to bring to the table. He seen the future not just the now and that’s why he flourished because he was always a step ahead and with the brothers it seems as if they just didn’t want to take risk to see what could happen. Kroc gave the brothers a good deal for him honestly because he knows he will see way more than what he gave them, so it won’t be a problem to make it back. In my opinion the brothers should have asked for more and been more stern about it. Ray Kroc pushed them around in the end deal.
  3. The local stores made money off of how quickly they got the orders out. So basically they were making money off of the brothers speed system, a lot of other local businesses were trying to copy the brothers as well and the system actually worked. That’s why they were able to make money off of it.
  4. Kroc made money by purchasing the land that the businesses were on. So when he owns the land he also owns whatever is on the land so he will also be making money off of the McDonald’s as well. His way of making money was different because he wasn’t only making money off of the restaurants sales and the speed system but now he was also making money off of the land and holding value property. So he was also on the real estate side of things.
  5. This film does change my view on McDonalds because that was pretty messed up what Ray Kroc did to those brothers and it’s kind of like the McDonald’s around now is just a fake of an original.


For my topic I chose to research Nike the clothing and footwear brand. I will be shedding light on their part of social responsibility and their ethical principles.

  1. According to, Nike is part of many different corporate responsibility and sustainability organizations which means they’re always active trying to do their part for society. Just recently in 2019 Nike realized that a main target or issue they were having was having a “diverse, engaged and healthy work environment” so they came up with strategies and plans to attack and change the problem. In order to change the problem according to Nike’s “Report Content” they came up with ways to “provide visibility to our diversity and inclusion process” which means they started to add more diversity to their team and created more opportunities for POC to gain employment.
  2. Nike has a main goal which is to inspire and bring change through the clothing, footwear and sports products they design. Nike believes in systematic change but they also know that they do not have control over every aspect so they try to influence others with what they do have control over (Footwear, apparel etc). On their mission statement is ” to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.” Another way Nike is also promoting change just with this statement alone because to Nike an “athlete” is any person with a body, so they are also promoting body positivity. From what has been read on their website it seems as if Nike’s social responsibilities are mainly aimed towards uplifting communities and inspiring society to become better.
  3. Nike donates to charities and non profit organizations as well as standing up against any form of injustice. When BLM was going on Nike made sure to let the POC know that the company stood with them and not racist ( .) In conclusion to Nike being a very socially responsible company I think personally if they were to hire more POC in higher positions like for designing sneakers and clothes etc their sales and business would boom even more. They’re already for the communities so them having more people who identify with them on their team would make the company more relatable to the communities and also make their business boom because they would know more of the demand so they can supply.