Unit 3 Assignment

For our Unit 3 Assignment, students will reflect on “The Founder” and share their thoughts about the film. We will be referencing this film as an example throughout the semester.

Discussion Questions

  1. What makes Ray Kroc and the brothers different from each other?
  2. Do you think the McDonald’s brothers did the right thing by selling out to Ray Kroc? Did Ray Kroc give the brothers a good deal?
  3. How did the local store franchisees make money?
  4. How did Kroc make money? How was that different than the franchisees, running the local stores?
  5. Does this film change your view of McDonald’s?

Here are the steps students should take to complete and submit this assignment:

  1. Follow this guide to create a new post, and add in your assignment so that classmates can view and comment on your submission.
  2. Select “The Founder” as the Category. All submissions will populate under the Student Work menu item (Student Work > The Founder). 
  3. Students should review others’ submissions and comment meaningfully (refer to this guide from MMSU for reference) to at least two other students. For reference, here is the difference between a comment and a post — you will be using both for this assignment.

As always, if you need more information, you can ask me a question. For information on due dates, check our Course Schedule.