The Founder

  1. What makes Ray Kroc and the brothers different from each other?
  2. Do you think the McDonald’s brothers did the right thing by selling out to Ray Kroc? Did Ray Kroc give the brothers a good deal?
  3. How did the local store franchisees make money?
  4. How did Kroc make money? How was that different than the franchisees, running the local stores?
  5. Does this film change your view of McDonald’s?
  1. Ray Kroc and the McDonald brothers were the polar opposites of eachother. Ray was hungry for success and wealth at any cost, whereas the McDonald brotheres were contented with ensuring that any succes they had was achieved without sacrificing the quality of what they have invented. They were not interested in quantity but was fixated on the quality of everthing that had anything to do with their restaurant. Depending on who you speak with, Ray was seen as an aggressive predator or a savvy businessman. The McDonald brothers would be viewed as passive businessmen or two silly brothers who were not ready for the world of business and quite contented with remaining in their little world
  2. The brothers did the right thing by doing business with Ray Kroc, but made a huge mistake by not hiring professionals with foresight and knowledge to guide them in the process. Their lawyer sat at the table and allowed them to make a “shake hand” deal on the most lucrative part of the contract, instead of negotiating or walking away. Kroc did not have any knowlwdge or expertise in anything remotely related to what he was undertaking but he had a team that did. Although hiring a financial expert and a lawyer seems to have happened out of sheer luck the fact is that they offered him the guidance and expertise needed to succeed and he followed along, resulting in him being able to expand and profit the way he did. In contrast the McDonald brothers sought to do the deal with an incompetent lawyer resulting in a very bad deal that even took the rights to their name.
  3. The local francisees made money from selling goods, namely food and drinks.
  4. Kroc made his money by selling franchises but the bulk of his profit came from expanding his business to include Real Estate. He bought land in areas he identified for a franchise then leased the land to the franchisee’s therby ensuring an steady stream of income regardless of how well the franchisee’s business’ were doing.
  5. The film did not necessarily change my view of the Mc Donald’s Restaurant, however I cannot help but think about the circumstances under which the McDonald brother’s lost their business and ultimately even the use of their name. While I think Ray was a swindler I think the brother’s should have taken the necessary steps to ensure they had the best deal from this business venture.

4 thoughts on “The Founder

  1. Tomas Herrera

    I like that you point out that they were opposites because it’s true. Although both the brothers and Ray wanted success for the business, they both took different routes to achieve it. It really makes me think that you say that if the brothers had someone to support them, they wouldn’t have made a bad decision. Still, Ray put them both in a situation where they had no other option but to have the 2.7 million, knowing it was not the right thing to do. I don’t particularly appreciate that the brothers were shown as fools when we all know Ray’s biggest fool.

  2. Amanda

    The difference you pointed between Ray Kroc and the McDonalds are very apparent in the film. Kroc’s vision for McDonald’s were limitless. What made Kroc so successful was that he wasn’t scared to take chances even with the bad circumstances he was facing before meeting the McDonald’s brothers. A lot of people would feel disheartened and unmotivated after experiencing all the no’s and doors slamming in one’s face the way Kroc did. The McDonald’s brothers failed once at franchising and were set on never trying it again until they met Kroc.
    I feel as though the “handshake” deal is one of the biggest business lessons of the movie. Every deal made within a business should be documented. The percentage that was offered to the McDonald’s brothers may seem small but due to McDonald’s being a multi billion dollar corporation this means the brothers and the generations after them would currently be receiving anywhere near 300 million dollars annually.

  3. Grisselle Diaz

    I totally agree that the McDonald name was taken from the brothers. Ray Kroc not only took the name from Dick and Mac but he also took the names value. The brothers did not have a good deal with Ray simply because they were not educated or interested enough to do their own research and find that the value of their company was beyond what they saw. Ray Kroc held his faith and took advantage of the opportunity to grow and put a new version to an old idea.

  4. Irina

    I agree with your statement that the brothers were different from Ray because they had different goals, one to make money first and the other to improve the food quality. The brothers did not get the best deal on the contract or the credit they should have received. Ray is a businessman and the goal of a business is to generate profit. Despite the fact that he might be been perceived as ruthless, McDonalds’ might not have been what it is today without him.

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