The Founder

The brothers and Ray had different visions and goals. The brothers were more focused on improving their products and the quality of the food rather than the quantity being sold. On the other hand, Ray was more focused on how to make more money and faster.

2) It was the brothers’ choice to sell but they weren’t given the best deal by Ray. Ray had a lawyer and the guidance that he needed to expand the business. On the other hand, the brothers were never given credit for their ideas and improving the food which was what they mostly worked on. The contract the brothers signed gave them compensation for their work but it should have been more (ex: a percentage of the profits of the business in the future).

3) Local stores franchisees pay a royalty or fee to the company to open up. They are then allowed to use the company’s name and (in the case of McDonalds) food recipes. Franchisees can be opened by the McDonalds HeadQuarter or be independently operated. These local franchisees would then sell Mcdonald’s products in an effort to make a profit.

4) Ray made the majority of his money from real estate. He would allow people to open new McDonald’s stores (franchisees) and lease the land he originally bought to them.

5) It doesn’t really change my view on Mcdonalds’ because I understand there is always stuff going on behind closed doors for people with bad intentions to try to make more money. I think the brothers were unlucky to fell victim to selling out and not getting the credit they deserve but they should have fought for better benefits in the contract and be careful of who they trusted. Ray wanted to get rich quick but the reason people are in business in the first place is to try to generate maximum profit.