Central Park

“I used to live in East Harlem and my English School was in Upper West Side, I would walk everyday by the Central Park…”

Student from Brazil


I remember that I used to work for a company in Brazil remotely, so I was already used to the experience of working online.

Before the Pandemic, I would work all day and I would go to my English school to take English classes during the night, actually from 05:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.. And from Monday to Thursday, I would go and come back walking to my home. It was around 30 minutes walking. And I used to live in East Harlem and my English school was in Upper West Side. I would walk every day by the Central Park, and it was such a beautiful experience for me.

Didn’t like to take the bus because I wanted to walk. I wanted to walk through Central Park, and that was just so special. Until today, every time that I see Central Park, I think it’s breathtaking.

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