Final Project Proposal

Name: Interactive Video Game Play

Description: An Interactive Gameplay experience, much like the Nintendo Labo. It is made of ready-made, cut-out cardboard parts that the player will assemble. It offers a more realistic gameplay with extended playable equipment. It is a guitar made of cardboard, with strings attached to mimic the real guitar strings. In the body of the guitar, there’s a cutout of where the Nintendo Switch screen would be.

Target Audience: The target audience is for everyone, from kids to adults. Everyone is able to enjoy the Interactive Gameplay.

What technologies does your project incorporate: A Nintendo Switch console, cardboard pieces, and some strings.


How to play:

  1. Plan out the cardboard layout and how it will be assembled.
  2. Get cardboard materials.
  3. Cut out pieces based on layout.
  4. Assemble pieces.
  5. Connect to Nintendo Switch.

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