Metropolitan Museum of Art
What is the name of the object?
The name of the object is Ceremonial Arrowhead (Yanone).
What does the object look like?
The object looks like an arrowhead, but instead of the tip being pointy, it is rounded. The object was pierced and chiseled into elaborate figures, showing clouds, birds, dragons, which are Buddhist divinities.
Who designed it? Is it one of a kind or limited edition?
The designer was Umetada Motoshige. The Ceremonial Arrowhead is one of its kind.
What is the object supposed to do?
It was for presentation or a votive offering to a shrine.
Is the function of the object clear from how it works?
Yes, it is clear as to how it works.
Do you think this object functions successfully at what it is supposed to do? Why do you think that?
Yes, I think the object serves its function. It is chiseled beautifully; it would be too beautiful to use as a weapon and it won’t serve a purpose in penetrating armor.
I redrew the arrowhead pointy so that it can serve two functions, as a weapon but beautiful at the same time.