Congratulations on your acceptance into the Apprenticeship Program. BMCC is committed to your success!
I am writing to introduce myself as your personal coach who will be your point person and main contact at BMCC. We will work closely together as I ensure your registration, meet you for bi-weekly check-ins, and support your success.
As an apprentice, you will need to inform me if you will miss class (i.e. sick, vacation). There is a certain level of accountability and responsibility to both your employer and the school that goes with you being an apprentice. We want to facilitate open communication between the apprentice, the school and companies.
Please note that you have been assigned an official BMCC student identification (i.e. EMPL ID) number to be used throughout your enrollment at the college. When you claimed your CUNYfirst account you received a username and an EMPL ID number.
- Your CUNYfirst Username looks like this: Joe.Guy58
- Your EMPL ID number looks like this: 23456701 (8 digit number)
To find your EMPL ID number, log into CUNYfirst, click on Self Service, and click on Student Center. You will see your EMPL ID # on the upper right corner of the screen.
So that I can support you, and so you can remain in the apprenticeship, you will need to submit a FERPA Release form for me to communicate with the company about your academic progress.
Please do the following by 3pm, this Monday, August 23, 2021:
If you have not already done so, activate your BMCC Portal account
- Setup your account- click here
- Need Login help? Contact the Service Desk – click here
Complete and submit your FERPA Release form request online – click here
- Record Types = Academic Records and Student Conduct Records
- Person to whom Information is released:
- Relationship to you = Employer
- *Do not worry about dates of birth and phone numbers
- At Security Question, enter “Employer Company Name”
- *There should be no required documents to upload
You are also required to complete SPARC Training which educates students about sexual misconduct, ways to prevent it, and the campus’ response to a complaint.You will need to complete this, too, by 3pm, Monday, August 23:
- Go to Blackboard then to “My Organizations”, and click “BMCC Students SPARC Summer/Fall 2021”.
- Please retain a copy of your “SPARC Completion Certificate” for your records.
- Failure to complete this online training will result in a CUNYfirst service indicator on your account that will affect your ability to continue work as an apprentice.
**If you are using an Apple device, please use either Google Chrome or Firefox as your web browser to complete SPARC.
I will contact you again in the next week to schedule time for us to connect. You should have completed these by then. In the interim, if you have any questions, please reply to this message. I look forward to meeting you soon.
Welcome to BMCC!