Other Resources

Learn More About Tutoring and Academic Support at BMCC


English Tutoring

1. If your are enrolled in ENG 88 or 95 and need help with passing your CUNY Assessment Test in Reading, the Basic Skills English Lab is here to help you. Visit their page below.

Basic Skills English Lab

2. If you are enrolled in  ACR 94 or 95 and need help passing the CUNY Assessment Test in Reading, do not hesitate to ask for help from the Reading Lab’s staff.

Reading Lab

3. If you are an English as a Second Language (ESL) student and need to improve your English skills (grammar, reading, listening/speaking/punctuation, and vocabulary) and/or need tutoring in (ESL 49/54, ESL 94, ESL 95), visit ESL Lab.


4. If the ASAP ENG tutoring schedule doesn’t work for you and/or is not currently in session (no ASAP tutoring provided during the Winter and Summer) and you need your essay looked over, you can ask one of the Writing Center’s tutors to help you.

ENG 101.5 tutoring

Writing Center

Math Tutoring

 If the ASAP Math tutoring schedule doesn’t work for you and/or is not currently in session (no ASAP tutoring provided during the Winter and Summer) visit the Math Lab to get all your math questions answered.

Mathematics Lab/Tutoring

Tutoring in Other Subjects

If you need help with a subject ASAP tutors don’t cover and/or when ASAP tutoring is not in session,  check out the services of  the Learning Resource Center.

Learning Resource Center



Visit the computer labs located around campus to print your study materials and/or use a computer with internet connection to do your research. 

Instructional Technology Services


A. Philip Randolph Memorial Library is a great place to look for resources for your research. The library contains a rich variety of books, journal articles, and documentaries. Visit the Library’s website to learn more about the ways you can integrate its resources in your academic journey. 

BMCC Library