Academic Success Workshops

What are the Academic Success Workshops?
The Academic Success Workshops (ASWs) are designed to help students gain essential academic skills and knowledge to thrive professionally and personally.

The workshops are arranged around ten scales established by the LASSI Survey, which all entering ASAP students take. However, you don’t need to take the LASSI Survey in order to attend the workshops. Simply, select a workshop on a topic you are interested in and/or in areas you would like to improve upon then attend the session.

What makes these workshops unique?
We take pride in the fact that these workshops:

  • are peer-facilitated by trained ASAP tutors using high-impact teaching methods

  • contain discussion of fixed vs. growth mindset

  • are redesigned with remote options and virtual learning in mind

  • provide students with an opportunity to hear from other students facing similar challenges


Do I get credit for attending these workshops?
Yes, you do. The workshops can be credited toward meeting monthly group meeting requirements as well as meeting Academic Success Plan related requirements if you have to complete a Success Plan.