Author Archives: Yan Yang

End of semester announcements and reminders

Hi Guys,

Thank you for a wonderful semester, hang in there, we are almost done! Below are the things to know.

Your final project should be emailed to me by the end of the day on May 14th (today). If you need more time, please email me and we can work out a new due date.

Your final exam is active on Blackboard. Go to Assignments, and you will find the booklet. Download it, answer the questions, and upload the finished document to “Final Exam” link that is also under Assignments.

Reminder to complete final lecture reflection in OpenLab. If you go under “Assignments” in OpenLab, you will see Reflection journal. The final lecture is lecture 15. For anyone who had yet to complete the in-class writing, please do it before next Thursday. Since moving online, most of the participation grade will be based on your input in these venues. Even if you are late, please participate to receive partial credit. Next Thursday is the absolute deadline for grading.

Thank you for a wonderful semester and I wish you all a smooth finals week and a wonderful summer break!

End of Semester stuff

Hi Guys,

Reminder that your final project is due next Thursday 5/14 by 11:59pm. You have the option to either do the Map project or a Creative Writing project. You can find details about it by going to “Assignment>Final Project.”

Please email me your final project!

Please look under other tabs of Assignments and participate in the discussions. If you missed a lecture, you may still participate in the reflection journal by looking at the lecture and summarize what you understood from the powerpoint.

If you have questions, please contact me!