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Character Design

This is Pen. He is a mediocre super hero. He has a magic wand to help him fight crime and destroy evil. By day he is a pastry chef and by night he kicks butt.

MY Flour Sack

This is my Flour Sack animation. The emotion I tried to depict was excited. The flour sack see’s the lollipop and jumps up and down in excitement.

My Raindrop Loop

This is my loop I created in Adobe Animate. It shows a raindrop falling off a roof into the grass. I created my base background and from there the process was easier. I simply aligned my raindrop with the roof. Also when the raindrop fell to the grass I showed the grass absorbing the water.

Ball Study 2

This is my Second Ball study. The Two colored balls and moving in opposite directions and moving at different speeds.

Ball Study #1

This is my ball study. I used the frame by frame technique for the yellow ball. For the second ball I used the Classic Motion Tween technique.