Final project – step 6: adding a background and applying After Effect’s camera to the walk cycle
Import your Animate animation into After Effects. Follow the same steps to import your background Illustrator file if you decide to use this software rather than a separate Animate layer. Loop your walk cycle. Move the background to give the impression that your character is moving in space.Use After Effects’ Camera tool to recreate the shots outlined in your storyboard. All of the instructions for importing files are on the Week 11 page.
Bring your Animate file into After Effects first. It will set the composition settings to the same settings as your Animate file. After you have imported your Animate file, you can import the drawing you did as a background layer.
Create a new post on your OpenLab portfolio. Your post should include a link to your Vimeo or Youtube video as well as a short description (what did you add/change from the previous version. Reflections on your process, challenges, goals etc. are also welcome).
This assignment is due next week. Submit the following files on the following platforms:
- Blackboard: .aep file and all .swf and .ai files imported into it and a link to your OpenLab post. The easiest way to make sure you’re not forgetting any files is to put everything in one folder and compress the entire folder and submit the zipped version.
- After you create a portfolio post with your walk cycle in After Effects, reply to the “Character into After Effects” discussion post with a link to your OpenLab portfolio post
This is part of the final project.