Animating text in After Effects
While all the basic transforms (Anchor Point, Position, Scale, Rotation, Opacity) can be applied to Text Layers, they also have unique properties. Text Layer Animator Properties allow you to control the individual characters and/or words within a layer and to create more dynamic animated text.
Adding some text
Before animating any chunk of text, you must type it in:
- Activate the Text tool *Keyboard shortcut: Cmd + T
- Make sure the Character panel is visible (Go to Window > Character) and set the font type, size and color
- Click once on the composition and type the text.
- Position the text where you’d like its final position to be (you can use the Align panel to center it on the composition.
Finding the Text Animator options
The text Animator options are listed inside the Text layer:
- Toggle the arrow to the left of the Text layer
- To the right of the Text tab, you will see an Animate menu
Animator properties (click and hold to see full list)
Using a Text Animator
There are 17 Animator Properties and each of them has several basic and advanced parameters. They are listed within the little “Animate” button to the right of the Text tab within the Text Layer. For a complete list and descriptions, you can visit the official Adobe page. We will use the position property to demonstrate how the different parameters will affect the way the text moves:
- Click on the Animate menu and select the Position property. Notice that an Animator 1 tab has been added to your text layer. Rename it (i.e: position) to keep things clear in case you decide to add another animator.
- The two values of the Position property represent how much the horizontal and vertical position of the text will change.
- The Range Selector tab gives us the option to set the portion of the text layer we want the animator to affect.
- By default, these units are set in percentages, but this can be changed to Index in the Advanced tab.
- The Offset lets you change the starting and ending point while keeping the same overall amount.
- The Advanced tab is where a lot of the interesting animation comes in:
- Based On lets you select whether you want the property to affect Characters, Characters but not spaces, Words or Lines.
- Mode defines how the animator will affect the original. For example, Add means that the property will be added to the area defined within the range selector, while with Subtract it will affect everything except the area defined in the range selector.
- Amount lets you change how much the animator is being applied.
- Shape defines the shape After Effects uses to apply the animator. It can be very effective in creating a smooth/dynamic animation – especially when combined with Offset.
- Square is linear. The animator is applied to the entire layer at once.
- Ramp Up starts without the property and reaches the new value gradually.
- Ramp Down starts at the new value and gradually goes back to the original.
- Triangle ramps up and down to create a triangular shape.
- Round is similar to triangular but rounded
- Smooth is similar to round but eased in and out.
- Ease High will ease into the new value
- Ease High will ease out of the initial value
- Randomizer will randomize the order in which the animator will affect the layer.
- By clicking on the Add menu, you can also add another Property or Selector. For example, the Wiggly selector will wiggle each unit up and down by the amount set in the Amp Amount and Min Amount options. The speed of the wiggle can be changed in the Wiggles/Second option and Correlation will change how synchronized the wiggle is (the higher the value, the more the units will move in unison).
Nesting compositions
I recommend that you create your title card and end credits in their respective After Effects Compositions rather that adding them to your walk animation. This means you will have 3 (or at least 2) separate compositions within your After Effects project that you will have to combine in order for your movie to render as a single file:
- Create a new composition *Keyboard shortcut: Cmd + N. Name it “combined” and make sue it is long enough to accommodate all your individual comps)
- Drag all the compositions you would like to combine into the combined composition timeline
- Stagger the compositions in the layers’ panel so that they appear in the correct order.
Video tutorial
Animating text with an animator in After Effects
Nesting comps in After Effects
Add titles and credits to your project. Details Here
- Complete the assignment
- Make sure you have handed in all of your work