Author: Amanda Marquez
Miss Marshmallow
Marshy Walk Cycle *NEEDS TO BE FIXED*
I don’t know what happened to the camera so I need fix it!
I basically made her walking in front of a mirror, checking herself out to music in her room.
Study#6: After Effects Animation
Walk cycle
I was working mostly the body movement. I will add the other things for the character later.
Rough Walk Cycle
I still need to work on the body and the legs :/ She is voluptuous, so I decide to use that to my advantage. Also since she is supposed to be sweet, I made her to look like she is blowing a kiss. :3
The walk video we did for class. Click Here!
Character Design-Sweetie Marshmallow
Sweetie Marshmallow lives in a candy universe, where all types of candy are alive. She is half cotton candy and half marshmallow. She is bubbly, sweet and squishy. I wanted her to have a curvy body, so I used a round hour glass shape so that she looks to be soft. I originally was going to use her human form as the main model but I kinda wanted her to be more like a marshmallow. I am still going back and forth if I want to use her human form or not.
Cute Spooky Flour
Since Halloween is coming up I decided to make a “Spooky” flour. The flour thinks it is being spooky but in reality it is being playful and cute. Also the flour changes colors which is pretty cool.
Jelly Dancing