Alex Vasquez

All Media Arts and Technology Students are required to have the following items: a resume, bio, and eportfolio.

Auto-Resume Form

Please use the link below to complete a Google Document that will generate a comprehensive resume highlighting your credentials and skills. This resume will also summarize your professional experience and academic qualifications.

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Student Bio Builder

Please click on the link below to answer four important bio questions. Your responses will provide prospective internship supervisors or employers with insights into your personal, academic, and professional journeys, as well as your goals. Additionally, this will serve as a writing sample for them.


Design Resources and Support

Creating an eportfolio plays a crucial role in your journey towards securing an internship or a full-time job. To access a range of resources and receive extra assistance from the Media Arts and Technology department, click on the link below.

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I am an Academic / Career Advisor who works with Media Arts and Technology students to help them identify career goals and understand the academic courses necessary to complete their degree. Furthermore, identify barriers to student persistence and work proactively to connect them to internship and full-time opportunities.