Activity 1: Take this anonymous midterm survey to let me know about your experience so far this semester.
Activity 2: Watch “The Danger of a Single Story.” What are the dangers of a single story and how can you apply the lessons Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie shares with us?
Activity 3: I’d like you to make a deeper connection between our course materials from the first half of the semester (weeks 1-7) and “The Dangers of a Single Story.”
Write a letter to Ms. Adichi
- Introduce yourself.
- Explain what your understanding is of the dangers of a single story that Ms. Adichi talks about.
- Make a connection between Ms. Adichi’s message and 1-3 course materials from weeks 1-7.
- Make a connection between Ms. Adichi’s message and your own life.
- Discuss how you can apply the lessons Ms. Adichie shares with us.
- Bonus points (up to 25 points of extra credit) if you send this letter to Ms. Adichi! You can send me a screenshot of your email, or of the stamped envelope addressed to the author.
Activity 4: Explore resources on the English and Civics Testing here. Do you think the language here is easy or difficult to understand for non-native English speakers? How does this connect with “The Dangers of a Single Story”?/
Activity 5: Midterm Check In–please submit on Blackboard.
The point of the midterm check-in is for you to carefully examine your performance in this class.
- How are you doing in the class? Explain.
- What grade do you think you currently deserve? Explain.
- What grade do you currently have? To find out, check your grade on Blackboard (see: weighted total). Is this the grade you expected? Are you passing the class?
- Are you missing any assignments? If so, which ones?
- If you are missing any assignments, what plan do you have in place to make them up?
- Did you receive partial credit for any assignments? If so, which ones? Can you explain why you received partial credit?
- What are the categories you get graded on in this class? How much is each category worth?
- Is there something Prof. Barnes can do to help you succeed in this class?
- Would you take an online/ hybrid class again? Why or why not?
- What can you do to successfully complete the semester? Be specific.
Activity 6: Quiz 3: what does it mean to be you? Actually, it isn’t even a quiz. I ask that you discuss your own identity on video, on Flip. We have been talking about several different cultural and ethnic perspectives here. Now it’s your turn to reflect on who you are. Comment on your classmates’ videos after you post yours. Instructors: I love to use Flip, especially in online classes. Please reach out if you need help with creating your assignment on Flip. Alternatively, this can be an in class reflection and then pair share.
Midterm Exam: Here is a possible midterm exam. I have replaced it with the letter to Ms. Adichi as the latter provides a greater opening for making creative connections between course materials and students’ personal stories. Plus the TedTalk is so very inspiring and can be transformed into an authentic assignment if students mail their letters. That said, the midterm also encourages students to dive deeper into 1-2 of the discussed perspectives and is a great way to review the first half of the semester.