Ewa Barnes
1) How are our literacy practices shaped by communities of which we are part and in which we are raised?
2) What insights can be provided by conducting ethnographic research of literacy practices in communities?
3) How are literacy standards …
Read the debate here, debate the topic with students. …
Click here to read visit the website for the Frames Literacy Project, which offers literacy in U.S. prisons through a graphic novel course. …
Dr. Seuss Books Are Pulled, and a ‘Cancel Culture’ Controversy Erupts–read this NYT article here. …
The definition of open pedagogy is an active conversation, co-created by educators in dialogue across journals, blogs, and social media. Rather than a static definition, many open pedagogy advocates treat open pedagogy as a set of values on which to …
The 1964 Louisiana literacy test was designed and used almost exclusively to prevent African-Americans from voting. Martin Luther King, Jr., famously led a movement that led to the Voting Rights Act, and the banning of tests like these.
Students can …
Extra Credit: If you can find a way to turn this assignment into one that could fly out into the real world, I will give you up to 25 points of extra credit on the final essay. For example, if …
The final reflection assignment asks you to revisit your own relationship with literacy as you examine your own literacy practices, identity, community and/ or hegemonic power, as well as your own learning in the course.
Final Reflection Basics:
Length: 4 …