
It’s presentation time!

Option 1: Literacy Presentation

This assignment invites you to conduct a thorough investigation of a literacy perspective from a chosen group of people (as covered in the course) and one that you identify with. The task here is to describe, evaluate and make critical connections between a topic of your choosing and your own personal experiences, and the experiences of other individuals. You can absolutely “recycle” a part of your midterm project here, but there are some differences, including your audience.

Option 2: The purpose of this assignment is for you to teach your classmates about your essay topic–and to showcase your expertise.  

Your presentation should include your answers to the following questions:
What is your topic and why did you choose it? What did you have to do to complete the project?
What did you learn?
What was the most challenging part of this project?
What was the most interesting part of this project?
What can you do to make a difference related to your research topic
 OR now that you have collected and analyzed your data, what could you do if you were to continue your research?

Please post your presentation on Flip or present in class.

Your presentation should be 2-4 minutes long. Please include both video and audio. If you’d like to share images or slides, you can incorporate them into your presentation. You can also explore all the exciting backgrounds on Flipgrid.

Your presentation is worth 8% of your final grade.

Grade breakdown: 60 points for your presentation and 40 points for replying to 4 classmates.