Activity 1: What do you know about Hispanic/ Latinx culture, history and perspectives?
Activity 2: Read “The Potential and Promise of Latino Students”
Activity 3: Watch “Defining Latino: Young People Talk Identity, Belonging” | NBC Latino | NBC
Activity 4: Watch “What Being Hispanic and Latinx Means in the United States” by Fernanda Ponce TEDx
Activity 5: Contribute to Conversation 6.
Activity 6: Essay Project: check in. Where are you with your research essay? See the steps and assignment info here. Check out my comments on your essay plan. Revise and improve your plan if needed. Go to course profile-discussion board-research essay check in to post your reply. Feel free to also review your classmates’ comments as they might be helpful to you. Note to instructors: there are different ways of scaffolding the research essay–frequent check-ins and step-by-step instructions seem to work well for students.