Activity 1: What do you know about African-born immigrants in the US? What do you know about the American Indian and Alascan Native cultures?
As we dive into different cultural and ethnic perspectives on literacy, the class will be divided into 2 groups: Group X (because it sounds more exciting than group A) and Group Y (same logic). Which group are you?
Group X Unit
If your last name begins with the letter A – M, you are in group X. Please complete the unit on the African Perspectives and teach Group Y about this topic, via our Conversation.
Activity 2: Watch “Challenges for Africans in U.S. Schools.”
Activity 3: Watch “What I learnt as an african immigrant growing up in the US.”
Activity 4: Read “African-Born Immigrants in U.S. Schools.”
Activity 5: Find another source on this topic.
Activity 6: Conversation 4 (instructors: this could also be a great classroom activity: groups work together to examine relevant course materials and then teach other groups about their topic).
Group Y Unit
If your last name begins with the letter N – Z, you are in group Y. Please complete the unit on the American Indian and Alaskan Native perspectives, and teach Group X about this topic, via our Conversation.
Activity 1: Read about the education of American Indian and Alascan Native children in “The Subtle Evolution of Native American Education,” a piece from The Atlantic. Take notes/ annotate.
Activity 2: Watch “Native American Students Respond to American Education”
Activity 3: Watch “Native American Student Education”
Activity 4: Sherman Alexi, who grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation in Eastern Washington, is one of the most prominent American Indian writers of our time. He has won several awards for his writing.
It must be noted that some of his awards and honors were rescinded as a result of sexual harassment allegations in 2018, part of the #metoo movement.
Watch this video for a reading of Alexi’s short narrative, “Superman and Me,” on how he learned to read and/or watch the Colbert Report interview with the author.
Activity 5: : Find another source on this topic.
Activity 6: Conversation 4 (instructors: this could also be a great classroom activity: groups work together to examine relevant course materials and then teach other groups about their topic)