New Literacies

For this week’s conversation, answer the questions below:

  1. What did you learn about new literacies from this week’s video “The essential elements of digital literacies” and from the reading “Dawn of new literacies”?
  2. Consult our class glossary under course profile-docs. Find one example of new literacies that surprised you and/ or that you disagree with.
  3. How can we apply Szwed’s and Perry’s definitions of literacy as we study new literacies?
  4. What are some “new literacies” that have helped you with your schooling? Explain. 
  5. Have you ever had to help someone with technology (new literacies) who was not tech savvy? What was that experience like? 
  6. What is ONE “new literacies” that you cannot live without?
  7. Explain your personality using ONLY three emojis – what would they be? 

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