Activity 1: What does the term “new literacies” mean? Feel free to google it.
Activity 3: Here is one result from my search:
“New literacies generally refers to new forms of literacy made possible by digital technology developments, although new literacies do not necessarily have to involve use of digital technologies to be recognized as such. The term “new literacies” itself is relatively new within the field of literacy studies (the first documented mention of it in an academic article title dates to 1993 in a text by David Buckingham).[1] Its definition remains open, with new literacies being conceptualized in different ways by different groups of scholars.”
Activity 3: Since the definition of new literacies is open, let’s define it together: Contribute to our class glossary. If one or more definitions of new literacies are posted there already, you can still add your own, or comment/ elaborate on someone else’s. Go to course profile-docs-ACR 150 glossary. This is an ongoing project and you are all welcome to contribute throughout the semester. (Instructors: create a glossary doc under course profile. This is alike a Google doc which any course member can view and edit.)
Activity 4: Watch The essential elements of digital literacies: Doug Belshaw at TEDxWarwick:
Activity 5: Read Dawn of New Literacies by Rick Allen (requested via Interlibrary Loan).
Activity 6: Contribute to Conversation 3.