Ethnography of Literacy

1. According to Szwed, what are the 5 elements of literacy? Select one of them and describe it in more detail.

2. What method of studying literacy does Szwed recommend and why?

3. What does Szwed mean when he writes, in reference to ethnography, that “we must come to terms with the lives of people without patronizing them” (427)?

4. Imagine you are a literacy instructor at a high school in the Bronx: if you followed Szwed’s advice, how would you teach literacy?

5. What, according to Kristen Perry, are the two models of literacy? How are they different? Which one do you think is better?

6. How are our literacy practices shaped by communities of which we are part and in which we are raised (reference at least one of this week’s readings here)?

8. How are literacy standards created, who do they serve and how are they assessed for cultural bias (reference one of this week’s readings here)?

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