Literacy Narrative

Literacy Narrative:

essay or podcast

Your task is to write or record a personal literacy narrative.

Think of a specific moment that represents the literacy practices associated with your community.
For example, your community may be your family, your neighborhood, your school, your church, your friends, etc. You can choose to write your paper chronologically (e.g., childhood, adolescence) or thematically (e.g., when you discovered your passion for books, when you realized you hate reading and why).
I encourage you to explore possible tensions that arise from participating in literacy practices of multiple communities. For example, how are the literacy practices different from your home to your neighborhood? From your college life to your social life?

In previous semesters, some students submitted narratives about their lives. While interesting to read, this is not the task here: instead, the heart of this narrative is you and your relationship with literacy (so mostly reading and writing).

If helpful, check out a sample literacy narrative here or by going to essays-sample essays. (Instructors- check out some sample essays from one of my ACR 150 courses on the OL.)

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