Hi Everyone,
Thank you to those of you who provided your classmates with detailed comments about their essay drafts. I also appreciated all the “thank you” notes in our peer review discussion board. If your feedback did not address all the 10 peer review questions, or if you only commented on 1 classmate’s work, it’s a good start but we need more. If you missed this assignment, you could still submit it until tonight–no point for a peer review after you’ve submitted your essays, right?
Which brings me to my second point–your research essays are due by tonight. That said, they are due before Thanksgiving so that you didn’t have to work on them during the holidays. However, if you need a few extra days, use them by all means.
Week 14, which begins on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, is presentation week. Please record and post your presentation on Flipgrid by the beginning of week 14. See presentation guidelines here for more details.
Finally, happy Thanksgiving to you all. I hope that the break, even if short, is restorative.
Best wishes,
Prof. Barnes