This week’s guiding questions:
How can we apply Szwed’s and Baker’s definitions of literacy as we study literacies of different cultures?
What can we learn about literacy and culture from exploring different cultural perspectives?
What can you contribute to this topic?
ctivity 1: What do you know about Hispanic/ Latinx culture, history and perspectives?
Activity 2: Read “The Potential and Promise of Latino Students”
The-Potential-and-Promise-of-Latino-StudentsActivity 3: Watch “Defining Latino: Young People Talk Identity, Belonging” | NBC Latino | NBC
Activity 4: Watch “What Being Hispanic and Latinx Means in the United States” by Fernanda Ponce TEDx
Activity 5: Quiz 4: what does it mean to be you? This is your last quiz in this class.. and actually, it isn’t even a quiz. I ask that you discuss your own identity on video, on Flipgrid ( If you have a hard time logging in, email me and I will create a username for you: your first name.
Activity 6: Discussion Board Post 6.
Activity 7: Essay Project: check in. Where are you with your research essay? See the resources here. If you posted your plan, check out my comments. Revise and improve your plan by replying to yourself. If you haven’t posted anything yet, now is the time. Be specific.