Exciting In-Person Class for Spring 2022

Hi Everyone–sharing this class info from a colleague of mine:

Exciting IN PERSON Course for Spring 2022!Hey y’all! If you’re done with ENG 101 and 201 and looking what what to do next–look no further! 🙂 

Why do cold medicine ads use working-class NYC dialects from the 1950s to sell their product?
Why does the movie Boss Baby reference an obscure play by David Mamet that you probably haven’t seen?
What are subway ads really trying to tell you? 
Politics to the left of us, politics to the right of us–how do we analyze the language of the news?

Language and Power is the MOST fun, and helps you learn to use language to decode the world around you

Hit me up for a small, in-person class this spring at BMCC!
-Professor Matarese
   Language & PowerLIN 240Inline image OWAPstImg850481IN PERSON: LIN 240, Section 110W(Fridays 11AM-1:45PM, Fiterman 501)Through this course, students will analyze how power manifests itself through language and how people use language to create, reproduce, or resist/defy power. By studying the relationship between language and capital, language and institutionalized oppression (e.g. racism, ethnocentrism, colonialism), and language and activism, students will explore the relationship between language, inequity, domination, and resistance. Using Critical Discourse Analysis, students will analyze language events related to politics, policy, media, and institutional interaction. Students will learn about the power and perceived value of certain dialects and languages (e.g., discrimination towards and ideologies about languages/dialects), and we will engage with relevant critical social and linguistic theories relating to power. 
Prerequisite: ENG 101, 201, or Any 100-level LIN course or Departmental ApprovalFor further information, contactProfessor Maureen Matarese mmatarese@bmcc.cuny.eduDepartmentofAcademic Literacy and Linguistics