Week 9, Feedback on week 7

Welcome to week 9: Hispanic and Latinx Perspectives. You will explore the following: a reading and 2 vidoes, then yourself. The latter is in lieu of quiz 4–we have heard a lot from other individuals and groups, so now it’s your turn: who are you? Record your video on Flipgrid and see what others have posted as well.

Also, just a reminder that the midterm project and check in are due by tonight–there are still many missing as of now, so I’m imagining you are working on your essays as I write this announcement. I will give you 10 extra points on your essay for the midterm check in–a great opportunity to look back on your work over the past 8 weeks and see what works and what may need to be improved.

Thank you for the powerful post 5. I especially enjoyed the wide range of resources about the Middle East that you shared with us. A few of you seemed to have skipped posting alltogether–and yes, your lowest Discussion Board grade is being dropped so you can absolutely decide to leave one post blank.

And once you submit your midterm project, please turn your attention back to the research essay. I commented on everyone’s plans and we need more details to move forward.

Best wishes,

Prof. Barnes