Hi Everyone, and thank you for all your posts and discussion in week 2. As Sung writes, “Szwed states that literacy is composed of 5 elements: text, context, function, participants, and motivation.” Abdulkadir adds, “Szwed explains that one method of studying literacy is ethnography and is derived from field observations or interviews. This hands-on approach helps us understand how literacy is used in people’s daily lives.” Marryam explains that this ethnographic approach is what Szwed recommends, and that when we use this method to study literacy we don’t judge anyone, but rather simply observe. Janine adds that “Szwed recommended Ethnography because practicing “mass education” and “mass teaching” would not address literacy problems.” “Following Szwed’s advice on teaching literacy, if I were a teacher in the Bronx, I would be very aware and mindful of the Hispanic and Latin-American culture and influence of my students and also the local community. I would give the students multiple options to choose from for their content as opposed to dictating what they read,” Cherry states. Similarly, Natalie writes that “according to Elizabeth Baker literacy is an artifact of culture, and the nature of literacy changes as culture changes.” Nina, following Baker’s advice, reminds us of “the need to always ask questions about the purpose of this or that information. Namely: ‘Whose interests is this point of view, perspective or exercise? Who benefits from his existence?’
Again, please email me or visit me during my office hours if your grade is lower than you’d like it to be, or if you have any questions and/ or concerns. I’ve also left comments next to your grade on Blackboard if there was something missing. If I make a mistake, please let me know.
Keep up the great work,
Prof. Barnes