Post 1– Your enormous reply (minimum 200 words): what is literacy? Based on activities 4 and 5.
What is your definition of literacy?
What did you find when you researched the term?
How does John Trischitti define literacy? Why, according to Trischitti, is it important?
Do you agree? Why or why not?
Replies to classmates (minimim 50 words per reply x 2)- Some ideas for replies: Do you agree with your classmates? Why or why not? Do you have any questions? Can you relate to something they’ve said?
Review our Discussion Boards instructions for posting to make sure your replies impress in the first round.
60 thoughts on “Discussion Board Post 1”
literacy is being able to read. The exact definition from google would be ” the ability to read and write”. When i researched the term I found out literacy is more reading than writing. Literacy starts from when your born, the more you learn the less illiterate you are. literacy with young children is the infant smiling, a toddler forming their their first words, a young child interpreting signals around them, and a parent and child laughing over a story, this is just some examples of literacy while growing up. John Trischitti define literacy as the abilities to read. According to John literacy is important because the more literate people there are the less poverty, hunger and crime there would be. Being able to read is a fundamental right for everyone across the world. I agree with John because the more educated you are the more opportunities you have in this world. I was so shocked to find out that there are more than 1 billion illiterate people in this world. With how the world works currently you would think that education would be a priority, reading would be important but still its not. I like how John said instead of toys you should gift kids books, the more books there are the more chances of the kids reading them and increasing their literacy. Literacy is a very important thing in the world and should be taken more serious too.
I agree that there isnt enough motivation nor incentives for children to pick up a book and read for just an hour, but growing up and even to this day I have no interest in novels. It really goes to show how important it is to instill that skill at a young age.
I agree with the statement you made that the more educated you are the more opportunities you have in this world. That would be a perfect example for today’s kids or our future kids. I also believe literacy today is one of the most important and it should be taken more seriously.
I agree with your statement, that by now most of society would be educated and be literate but when you find out how many people are illiterate it’s shocking. I also agree with giving kids books and teaching them how to read is very important and parents should start doing so.
I agree that literacy is important because reading and writing will enhance your ability to speak properly, adjust to learning new skills and have opportunities in life. Reading and writing should be a new normal in households. Children should learn how to read and write at a early age to be advance in school. The more reading you’re doing, the more knowledgeable you’ll become.
I completely agree with you 100 percent I think in this generation motivation to do anything is really hard , children become less inactive with reading and doing work and I think its really sad but one day at a time to make a change in this world because thats all we can do .
I also did like that John mentioned that instead of toys, kids should receive books . Receiving books will increase their knowledge and from just reading they can gain many skills from it. Some people in poverty lack access to books and they are part of the percentage of people being illiterate. I believe by providing kids with books it will increase their literacy.
I also liked the opinion of John Trischitti that literacy will help us in the fight against poverty and hunger. I think this is a very naive statement.
Poverty and hunger do not come from illiteracy, but from the greed and anger of people. (these character traits are inherent in all of us) Moreover, these people are usually highly literate. What prevents the kings in all ages (literate kings) to feed the people by giving up their wealth. What prevents our educated, literate billionaires from starting to educate and feed the illiterate and poor in the Third World. Why, with the advent of knowledge and literacy, we usually only become angrier and greedier?
Nobody wants to repeat the path of Buddha :))
Nina–I understand what you are saying about the greed and wealth in this world. You could write to Trischitti with this opposing viewpoint and see what happens.
I agree with your comments on how important literacy is because it can put you a level above. The more educated you can be on a language especially if you’ve just moved to the United States because it can open doors for more opportunities. Increasing literacy for children goes a long way because it allows them to read at a higher level.
“What is Literacy?” Week 1
What is Literacy?
I agree with you on the importance of literacy especially in society this day and age and with the ability to learn something new every day. I definitely felt struggling with school growing up and failing because I didn’t have an interest in these things as a child, I also got my GED! It’s crazy how much it impacts us.
Literacy, simply defined as the ability to read and write, seems to carry more weight according to John Trischetti. Trischetti views literacy as a fundamental building block to an individual’s life. He brings up statistical data correlating crime, poverty, and overall success to illiteracy, and the results are shocking. According to Trischetti, literacy is the key to understanding the world and contributing to society as a whole. My definition of literacy is simply the ability to communicate and understand the world around you. When researching the term literacy I was curious as to the USA’s illiteracy rate and it was shocky to say the least. According to 45 million people in the United States of America are illiterate and cannot read on a 5th grade level, 85% of juvenile offenders are illiterate, 75% of people on welfare are unable to read, and the concerning statistics goes on. I personally agree with Trischetti and his dedication to bring awareness to this issue and that there is definitely a positive correlation with illiteracy to success. I am concerned that the illiteracy rate will increase due to the pandemic and students unable to socialize and interact with other students in a classroom setting. Literacy could be the key to creating a brighter future.
It definitely does carry more weight. It’s impactful with everyday transformation. I like how you phased what literacy is and understanding the world around you. The illiterate rate is quite shocking and a bit sad since not everyone has the same resources as others do. I am also concerned since the pandemic has caused a lot of negative impacts already.
I was truly as shocked as you when I learnt how much of the population actually doesnt have the ability to read or write. I feel like we take for granted being able to read, but the people who dont know how to read think its an actual gift. Hopefully people in the future appreciate the gift of reading more.
Great research on, it’s interesting but sad to know how many millions of people in the country that we live are illiterate. I totally agree that there should be some awareness addressed to this issue because there are already way too many people that are illiterate. Literacy is the key to success and it could open many doors in our lives.
Literacy does carry weight on individuals because if you can’t read or write you’ll decrease you chances to creating a brighter future. It’s shocking that 45 million people in the United States are illiterate because there are many resources where they’re able to access to a book, news paper, articles. the internet and etc.
I do agree that literacy is important and I haven’t thought about how the literacy rate can decrease because of the pandemic. Some kids are only taking virtual classes and may stay home so that means they aren’t able to access books. I do also agree with your definition of literacy as well since we need literacy to understand the world in general.
Hi Sung,
I agree with you that the results of Trischettis statistical data are shocking and that there is definitely a positive correlation with literacy to success. I share your concern about the illiteracy rate increasing during the pandemic. I have a son who’s grades have plummeted because he just cant sit in front of a screen all day. He is a very social kid and the fact that there is no interaction or structure provided for that matter, has not helped one bit. He even told me the other day that he wished he could just talk to his teacher in person, which is something I never thought I would hear! So yeah – It’s a challenge. I myself will be making books a priority for adults and children moving forward. Thanks for your insight.
Hi Sung,
I agree with your concern of how the pandemic will be affecting education and literacy. For example, for children of younger ages, I think it is essential for them to interact and learn from each other. And due to the pandemic, some don’t have the opportunity to do so.
What is literacy?
Natalie Laureano What is literacy
I fully agree with your stance on literacy. I never thought of literacy carrying so much weight in determining the future of a nation, but after conducting some research it proved otherwise.
i love how you said “What a lot of people do not realize is literacy opens the door to a lot of our paths”. I totally agree with that. Being able to read and write can change so much in our lives. I truly do wish more people focused on reading and writing so we could all grow. With each generation students i feel like personally have started to read and write more and more, with that our literacy grows too.
I absolutely love how you wrote your response. It taught me more about literacy than the research I did. I enjoyed reading it, especially when you said that you thought of reading as an escape. I agree with that I’ve read books ever since I was a child and I absolutely love to read and envision it as I’m reading.
Hi Natalie,
Great post! I agree that literacy opens the doors to many different paths. A lot of our day to day choices and decisions that we make are greatly influenced by our ability to read, write and comprehend. One of my biggest concerns is financial literacy. This should be taught to children at a young age to help prepare them for the working world. Having that knowledge of saving, investing, donating and most importantly borrowing with definitely be advantageous.
Ardit–I like your reminder that there are different types of literacy. I wonder if it’s possible for one individual to be proficient in all of them or is it always the case that we are more capable in one type and less in another? Usually, as Trischitti states, the more literacy skills we have, the more successful we will become.
What is your definition of literacy?
My Definition is your way of writing or reading your ability to , how much you know.
What did you find when you researched the term?
I found it has many definition in education but its mostly how your write and read.
How does John Trischitti define literacy? Why, according to Trischitti, is it important?
He defines literacy as the lack of ability to read and but he said its fixable its something you can learn. Also your way of comprehending or produce written information but he also referred to computer , health , financial literacy.
Do you agree? Why or why not?
What is your definition of literacy?
My Definition is your way of writing or reading your ability to , how much you know.
What did you find when you researched the term?
I found it has many definition in education but its mostly how your write and read.
How does John Trischitti define literacy? Why, according to Trischitti, is it important?
He defines literacy as the lack of ability to read and but he said its fixable its something you can learn. Also your way of comprehending or produce written information but he also referred to computer , health , financial literacy.
Do you agree? Why or why not?
I do agree with his definition because anyone can read and write but its more of understanding it and comprehending it to the fullest.
Hey Maya,
I love how you started off with the definition of literacy with what Trischitti stated. His ted talk was definitely very powerful and shed some light on that fact that literacy has many meanings. Literacy is very important because it does help us to understand and interpret information that we need to know in our every day lives. Do you believe sign language is a way of interpreting literacy ?
HEY Elecia
Thank you for your feedback Im glad you liked my response ! yes I do believe that sign language is a way to interpreting literacy because its a person way of communicating with others and I think its completely accurate.
My definition of literacy is reading, writing, and speaking. My research on literacy on google states that it is “the ability to read, view, write, design, speak, and listen in a way that allows us to communicate effectively and to make sense of the world.” I looked up the amount of illiterate people in the world and it was very shocking to find out that the global literacy increased by 4% every 5 years — from 42% in 1960 to 86% in 2015. John Trischitti defines literacy can help us to stop the spread of hunger, poverty, and crime. It is the tool necessary to break those harsh social cycles. It’s important because it can help us eliminate hunger, poverty and crime. A person’s chance of success earning potential, health, and well-being while helping to break the cycle that leads to daily poverty and struggle like literacy. I agree with him because being literate can help us have many opportunities in life that if you were illiterate you wouldn’t have.
Hi Farangiz,
I agree 100% to everything you have stated. Literacy is more just reading and writing. It important to understand that literacy can be interpreted beyond those two terms. Being literate itself can certainly help lot of out of poverty and social barriers. People always think that being literate only applies in the English department but however it goes beyond that and educator should not neglect its importance in all department . Whats one of your favorite book Indah ? Did you visit your neighborhood library growing up ?
Hi Farangiz!
Great post! I too was shocked by such a high percentage of illiteracy in the world. There are numerous reasons why people are illiterate such a not having access, poverty, religion, etc. In my job, I help people from all different backgrounds and cultures. All age groups. I’ve come across a lot of people who can not read or write and sometimes wonder about their backstory. In this day and age, especially in the US there are so many programs available for free to help combat illiteracy but sadly not everyone is receptive.
Hi Farangiz,
I liked your response about literacy, and I agree with you. Literacy itself improves the chances of success and opens many doors of opportunity that someone illiterate may not have. In addition, the statistic you stated is significant in showing progress and how many more people have a better chance at success.
I agree with your comments on literacy because having the ability to read and write opens more doors to various opportunities. Even with immigrants, if they are able to read, and speak English on a common level then it will open opportunities for work as it did for my parents.
I agree with your comment about literacy, people with a low literacy levels have a variety of factors that generate a lot of often insurmountable challenges. Poor literacy has a significant impact on people’s everyday life and might jeopardize their future. The issue also has a substantial social and economic impact on society. The number of adults that are classified as functionally illiterate increases by about 2.25 million each year.
What is literacy? What is your definition of literacy? Literacy is the Ability to read and write. It can also mean the competence or knowledge in a specified area. The ability, confidence to engage with language to socially acquire construct and communicate meaning in all aspects of daily living. What did you find when you researched the term? I found out that a child’s literacy abilities are nurtured through their families and communities. As our population expands and technology breaks down ever more barriers between us, the ability to communicate and interact with those around us becomes even more important. Examples are an infant smiling or crying to communicate to their parents or a toddler forming their first word. Literacy development does not only take place in the language classroom. It is a shared responsibility amongst all educators. Every teacher is responsible for further development and enhancing literacy. How does John Trischitti define literacy? Why, according to Trischitti, is it important? John Trischitti defines literacy as a cure.That it is a solvable problem. Literacy can help us stop the spread of hunger, poverty and crime.Its the tool necessary to break the harsh social cycle. No other fact can change a person’s chances of success like literacy. I agree with Trischitti with his own story on literacy. Reading can be so fundamental and teaches you so many new things. I especially agree with his view on gifting young adults with books rather than toys because they’ll learn new words and get knowledge of new information that can further expand horizon and even success in different areas of our lives. The ability to read is a fundamental human right and everyone should have access to upwarding their mobility of literacy. The ability to read and to be literate can definitely impact a person’s future potential to help their families and communities.
Hi Elecia,
I enjoyed reading your take on this subject and found myself agreeing with you on several points. The one that stood out to me the most is that you mention, “I found out that a child’s literacy abilities are nurtured through their families and communities.” I believe this is indeed true. I worked in an elementary school and one of my roles was to reach out to the families of the children that were performing poorly in reading, writing and basic math at the elementary level. I can tell you without a doubt that except for an actual physical learning disability, the problem of falling behind was usually caused by a breakdown in the family where the child did not have someone stable to help them in developing these skills on a consistent basis. It would make me so sad.
Hi Janine and Elecia, yes, this is such an important point here. Teaching literacy is the task of a community–the parents, of course, but also caregivers and teachers and even friends and neighbors, as well as the media. If we all chip in, set the example of reading and read to children, we will make a small contribution to literacy.
My definition of literacy is having the skill to read and understand things. When I researched the word literacy, according to google, it means “the ability to read and write.” Both definitions are similar to each other. When watching the Ted talk video, Josh Trischitti, he defines literacy as having the ability to “understand or produce written information.” He states literacy is a solvable problem and it is important that we fix it since it can “stop the spread of hunger, poverty, and crime.” It can impact one person’s life and Trischitti stated how 90% of welfare recipients are high school dropouts or illiterate. This means they lack the inability to read and understand and 90% is high which is concerning. He states reading is important and that more kids should be reading books instead of receiving toys. By reading it can make a difference on children and future generations. I do agree that literacy is important because having the knowledge and skill to read and understand is the key to success and to comprehending life in general. Especially if someone wants to go to college you have to have the skill to read and “produce written information.” If we lack literacy, we will struggle to grow and understand basic things in life. More students will drop out of school and without literacy the percentage of illiterate people will grow, which will be awful. Providing books to kids at an early age, I do believe they can gain reading and writing skills that will totally benefit them. Literacy can impact a person’s life and should be taken seriously.
What is literacy you ask? The most basic definition of literacy is the ability to read and write. But is that all there is to literacy? No. Literacy is not only the ability to read and write but also the ability to understand, interpret and/or having knowledge in a specific subject or area. When I researched the term literacy, I found so much information on this topic. Information that was all very interesting to read. The most interesting was the various types of literacy such as financial, cultural, and scientific to name a few, which in essence boils down to having knowledge and understanding in a specified area or their concepts. I have become a big advocate for financial literacy since working in the banking industry. I strongly believe this should be taught in schools to children from a young age in order to help prepare them for the future as to how money works in the world. Trischitti defines literacy as a tool necessary to help break harsh social cycles such as poverty, crime, and hunger by learning to proficiently read and write. This is important because it greatly increases one’s chance of overall success. I agree that literacy is important because it is essential for our development and integration into society. Not to mention, it’s much harder to take advantage of someone who is literate.
Hi Cherry–your last line struck me as very important. Indeed, the more literate one is, the harder it is for others to manipulate us, to persuade us to do something we shouldn’t do, because we are capable of making our own informed decisions.
When I researched literacy, I found the modern expanded version of the term is being used more and more frequently today. The most expanded was, “literacy is the ability to read, write and understand language, numbers, images, computers and other basic means to understand communicate, gain useful knowledge and use the dominant symbol systems of a culture.” What a mouthful I thought, and I think it’s because the meaning expanding regularly to fit in huge leaps and bounds, we’ve made in the digital and technological realms. John Trischitti explained the bulk of the population thinks of literacy as, “The basic inability to understand or produce written information.” While I agree with the bulk of the population, as far as a definition, I keep it simple and agree with those that think that literacy is the ability to read, write and use basic arithmetic. While doing my research I realized that reading and writing is very different from the oral process in language. When learning oral language, it is usually acquired during childhood, naturally according to our environment. Reading and writing however, is a process that can be learned at any age with formal instruction. The statistics that Trischitti shared were astounding. The fact that a seventh of the world’s population being illiterate would be deemed an epidemic if it were a health crisis is amazing, and not in a good way. I liked that Trischitti shared his own personal story. I think it helps people to relate to how prevalent illiteracy can be even amongst our circle of friends and family. I like to way he analyzed that just the way there are vaccines for illnesses, illiteracy does have a cure. 1 book for every 300 children…oh no..We can change that.
I liked your CORRECT way of thinking.
Yes, books can help fight illiteracy. But I can also add that not only books should help in this. The state should push the people to self-development, parents from childhood should teach us the basics of life by personal example, books cannot replace state and family institutions of power. What do you think?
DB 1
I think of literacy as understanding a topic and being able to express or communicate that understanding through the use of language. The TED talk mentioned that there are many kinds of literacy which shows one’s knowledge in a specific topic, but the term is generally used for the ability to read and write. For other forms of literacy, language still plays a significant role in attaining the knowledge for certain skills. In the Ted Talk Literacy is the Answer by John Trischitti, he defines literacy as “The basic inability to understand or produce written information.” He explains that literacy is the foundation for skills to be built and can have huge impact on individuals and communities. Literacy can also help end hunger, poverty, crime, and social cycles. We saw many statistical correlations between different social issues and being illiterate, which comes to show the value of literacy. I agree with the idea that literacy has a major significance in the success of people and also making change. I believe that it can improve issues like hunger, poverty, and crime, however I think that there are many other factors involved in these social issues and so I doubt that literacy will be enough to solve these problems. Overall, being literate is very important and I’m grateful that I have the resources available to help me improve.
I was surprised to find out how many of those less fortunate in our society had problems reading or writing. Being able to understand written text was something I took for granted as a child and I never realized how good my education was or how my love of books would help me. While I didn’t grow up in perfect household conditions, I did find myself reading a lot to distract myself. I never noticed how reading has helped me as a child until I looked at the other kids in my community who didn’t make the time for reading.
What is literacy? If we carefully read dictionaries and encyclopedias, we will understand that there is no single interpretation. Most often, you can find an extremely superficial explanation of literacy as the ability to read and write. But this definition is incomplete. I agree with John Trischitti’s opinion that literacy is primarily the ability to understand what you are reading, the ability to analyze information. I come from a very educated family, my parents are university professors. In the house where I grew up there was a separate room for books (family library), I found most of the books from the school academic curriculum at home, I did not need to go to public libraries. My parents love to read and they taught me to read and love books. I did not have a computer and the Internet in our house, I wrote all the essays myself, based on my erudition and my thinking, which I received from reading books. The main entertainment of my childhood was books, I read hundreds of them. And here I can tell you one fact in which I disagree with John Trischitti and his opinion that you need to read books and this action can make you literate. Not all books are useful. Not at all. My parents have always taught me that reading can be useless and even destructive, stimulating your laziness and dulling your brain if you do not read “useful” literature. They always carefully selected my list of books, bought new encyclopedias. For one year I was fond of dinosaurs, studied the Mesolithic and Paleolithic eras, then they bought me books on the history of China, ancient Egypt, and Rome. With age, books became thicker, more complex, more scientific. I began my childhood with fairy tales, ancient Greek myths, then literature became more complicated because my brain also became more complex. Parents asked my opinion about what I read, listened, taught me to think, analyze and create my own opinion. There is a lot of tabloid literature in the world that does not deserve attention. These books are funny, but they do not teach anything, they do not develop our philosophical thinking, do not teach social psychology, morality, conscience, honor.
I was also amused by John Trischitti’s idea that the world of children should be filled with books, that books should be given to children. You know, I am a person of the “old school”, and I can tell you that modern children are not interested in this, many modern children are not interested. Literacy is slowly fading into the background in this age of information technology. You know how many times I have tried to give children books, really interesting, exciting books. But the children threw them away as soon as I stepped aside. Children in our 21st century have different interests that society imposes on them, and perhaps that is why the World is becoming so illiterate, but technically progressive. We gain one thing and lose another.
In conclusion, I want to say that one way or another, but I completely agree with the main idea of John Trischitti, literacy is the basis of everything for a person, literacy is important … unfortunately in the 21st century people have different gods, and literacy is not among them.
Nina–your childhood home sounds amazing, with a room dedicated to books. I wonder what you mean when you say that literature can be useless and destructive. I think we read for different reasons–to learn (mostly non-fiction), but also to enjoy it and experience the world through the lens of different characters (mostly non-fiction).
My definition of literacy is to be able to understand different information that you are consuming. I think it is one thing to be able to read, and another to fully understand what you are reading. When I researched the term, the definition google gave for the word was “competence and knowledge in a specified area” and “the ability to read and write.” The best example of literacy I found was “Literacy is critical in helping us make sense of our world. From the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep, we are constantly making meaning of the world around us.” from Alberta Education. We are constantly trying to make sense of different areas in our life, the ability to write and read helps us navigate the world. John Trischitti defines literacy as a way to get away from poverty and various aspects associated with it. I agree with Trischitti because reading and building literacy in that way, changes lives. It changed his life and gave him a sense of purpose. He was inspired by a teacher which I believe is necessary to help push someone towards literacy if they need it.
Literacy is also a form of expression.
I found that it was very interesting that upon looking up the definition for literacy, it was considered to be a broad question. Of course there is a dictionary definition, but it seemed that literacy could be tied to not only being able to understand written text, but generally being knowledgeable in an area of expertise.
To myself, the definition of literacy is having the ability and means to read and write. When I searched the term, I found that literacy is reading/writing proficiency and it also has 5 components: phoneme awareness, phonics, reading fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. John Trischitti defines literacy as a learning process in which people constantly gain information and abilities and utilize those abilities to contribute to society. It is important because when a person is unable to read or write, he or she is limited to verbal communications. Literacy is the backbone of the ability to learn and function. I agree with John Trischitti because everyone’s future is determined by their ability to read and write for numerous reasons. Good reading, writing, and comprehension will get you more success in life than the person who struggles with those.
Literacy, to me, is being able to understand information being given to you at a written level. I believe that the biggest advantage that humans have over others is their ability to pass down information via written word. Being literate is what allowed humans to understand each other not only with a social lens, but an educational one as well. Literacy by dictionary definition is the ability to read and write. Literacy can also be defined by context of the information and how you use it. The idea that literacy is the building block of an individual’s life is how John Trischitti defines this concept. That is literacy’s main importance is that it allows individuals to understand the world around them. If the world was easier to digest due to understanding of written media, favorable circumstances could be made for those who will be able to process and intake information due to their literary competence. I do believe that being able to better intake information from the world us due to an emphasis on literacy skills would better society as a whole. The foundational skill of reading is invaluable. The main focus of school is to be able to intake new information; to get a higher education. If literacy becomes a common issue, what good are these textbooks if people are unable to read them efficiently? Through literacy, you create the building blocks yourself and give yourself a solid foundation to improve your knowledge on any subject you’re interested in. Being able to read is something society takes for granted.
I agree, us humans have this huge advantage amongst others that we have able to pass down information and teach one another in a very unique and complex manner. Not many can do that and sometimes we lose sight of how much of an advantage we have. Literacy as stated by John Trischitti is a building block and we must all acknowledge that in order to help build this extermely fundamental building block back up. We lose sight of how important this is because we have tools now like auto correct, and google, and all these things at the palm of our hands but when all that is taken away our true intellegence in tested.
My definition of literacy is being able to read and write, and communicate with others on a level to which everyone can understand. After researching the word “literacy”, I found out that it also states being able to read and write, and also having knowledge in a specific area. This second part of the definition is interesting because obviously, all people have knowledge in something, but in terms of this class, it has to do with being able to read at a higher level and speak at a higher level. When describing the definition of literacy John Trischitti states that it is to read, and having the ability to understand the world through literal means. He thinks it is important because having the ability to read can help out society in general. Trischitti states that being literate allows for people to solve the many people we have on this earth. With the help of literacy, it can allow people to have a brighter future for themselves and their families because they can break that barrier of falling behind because of their ability to read and write. I completely agree with this statement because it truly shows how important for someone to be literate in education. So many people don’t have that ability, and it leaves them behind in the sense that they aren’t as capable to do things such as others with higher education. For an example, my parents came to the United States with no money to provide for themselves, but they succeeded due to their ability to being able to read, write and speak the English language.
My parents too came to this country with very little and i remember being little and having to explain documents to my father when my mother wasnt around. I agree being literate in education is very important and it does leave you with this sense that you’re “slower” than everyone else that you aren’t capable of being at the same level as everyone else and it’s intimidating but it’s something that needs to be taught and worked on we can’t simply work on this on our own.
my definition of literacy is the ability to read, write, and understand words and the meaning behind them. To be able to form a sentence with these words and understand and have a purpose behind these words. You can say a sentence but does the words you’re using make sense. John trischitti defines literacy as being important, being the key to solving alot of the words problems. Literacy can stop a lot the issues we see in young adolescents. Literacy is important. We need these basic stepping stones to build and get through life, yet many aren’t given the attention and one on one interaction they need to grasp and understand words and there on the problem begins. I agree 100 percent that literacy is important. at a young age i had a very hard time understanding my numbers and word and spelling and read i found it all so boring. It was then instilled in me that I need these things to be successful in life or else you will be looked at as dumb or illiterate, which to me as a child and still is such anappealing word. With a lot of reading and understanding that I have the tools in front of me that many do not i have i was able to over come my inability to comprehend, i realised i was my own worse enemy simply because i did not apply myself. Many people have different adversaries such as not having the luxury of having one on one help with there parent, not enough attention at school and many other things but literacy is a key to being successful in life we all need it but not all of us have this luxury.
Literacy is defined as the ability to read, perceive, write, construct, talk, and listen in a way that allows us to successfully communicate and make sense of the world. Literacy development should be a collaborative effort of both the home and the school. Literacy in the twenty-first century entails significantly more than simply being able to read and write printed books. To be called literate in today’s digital world, you must have the abilities, understanding, and openness to innovation. Literacy also necessitates the ability to do basic arithmetic – such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division – and use it in a practical context or to solve a problem. Trischitti describes literacy as the inability to read, but he claims that it is reversible and that it is something that can be learned. According to him, it’s important because it can solve the world’s biggest problems. I agree with his definition of literacy, it is reversible and people can be more literate with better education and role models at home, because parents play a big role in kids’ literacy. Without literacy skills, you may not have access to training opportunities and may even be prohibited from them, preventing you from progressing in your career and improving your life.