Week 5: African + American Indian and Alascan Native Perspectives

This week’s guiding questions:

How can we apply Szwed’s and Baker’s definitions of literacy as we study literacies of different cultures?

What can we learn about literacy and culture from exploring different cultural perspectives?

What can you contribute to this topic?

Activity 1: Read about the oral history project in the syllabus. Who will yours be about? Select your subject by the end of this week and schedule your interview.

Activity 2: Read a sample oral history project here. Does this clarify the assignment? If not, reach out to Prof. Barnes at ebarnes@bmcc.cuny.edu with questions.

Activity 3: What do you know about African-born immigrants in the US? What do you know about the American Indian and Alascan Native cultures?

As we dive into different cultural and ethnic perspectives on literacy, the class will be divided into 2 groups: Group X (because it sounds more exciting than group A) and Group Y (same logic). Which group are you?

Group X Unit

If your last name begins with the letter A – M, you are in group X. Please complete the unit on the African Perspectives and teach Group Y about this topic, via our Discussion Board.

Activity 4: Watch “Challenges for Africans in U.S. Schools.”

Activity 5: Watch “What I learnt as an african immigrant growing up in the US.”

Activity 6: Read “African-Born Immigrants in U.S. Schools.”

Activity 7: Watch “Africa in America” with Tara Wall. Take notes–this is a longer video (27 minutes). Write down anything you learn, what you can relate too, questions.

Activity 8: Find another source on this topic.

Activity 9: Post 4

1) Select 1-2 paragraphs from “African-Born Immigrants in U.S. Schools.” Summarize them and respond to them.

2) Discuss something you learned and/ or can relate to from one of this week’s assigned videos.

3) Share your source on this topic–let us know what it is, why you selected it, and why it matters.


Group Y Unit

If your last name begins with the letter N – Z, you are in group Y. Please complete the unit on the American Indian and Alaskan Native perspectives, and teach Group X about this topic, via our Discussion Board.

Activity 4: Read about the education of American Indian and Alascan Native children in “The Subtle Evolution of Native American Education,” a piece from The Atlantic. Take notes/ annotate.

Activity 5: Watch “Native American Students Respond to American Education”

Activity 6: Watch “Native American Student Education”

Activity 7: Find another source on this topic.

Activity 8: Post 4

1) Select 1-2 paragraphs from The Subtle Evolution of Native American Education. Summarize them and respond to them.

2) Discuss something you learned and/ or can relate to from one of this week’s videos.

3) Share your source on this topic–let us know what it is, why you selected it, and why it matters.