According to the National education association, most students in the dropout category mainly include the American Indian and Alaskan natives. Their overall performance is mostly math, and reading has been incredible. This has brought adverse facts concerning their race and …
Discussion Board Post 4
DB 4
The goal of the article is stated on the opening page of the article “African-born Immigrants in US Schools: An Intercultural Perspective on Schooling and Diversity” by Immaculee Harushimana and Janet Awokoya. It explains what the paper is …
«African studies experts deplore the fact that both college and secondary students in the U.S. know little about sub-Saharan African nations and cultures (Osunde, Tlou, & Brown, 1996). In some U.S. universities and colleges, the situation has been addressed through …
DB #4
“In a recent essay for The Aspen Journal of Ideas, Cheryl Crazy Bull, the president and CEO of the American Indian College Fund, cited the impact of 19th- and 20th-century school policies on Native Americans’ educational outcomes. The …
“African children have to contend with both the negative depictions of Africa in the media, and the mis-portrayals about African societies in the school curriculum (i.e. textbooks, films, and magazines) (Awokoya, 2009; Ukpokudu, 1996). Western media presents African people as …
- Paragraph 4 & 5 in “The Subtle Evolution of Native American Education” is about Native American children in the US attending separate schools that have a criteria and pedagogy tailored to Native worldviews and learning needs. It was an idea
- “In a system where multicultural education is intended to ensure that all children feel welcomed, African youth need to have written evidence that would help them to challenge the negative images that arise in the classroom. Consistent with its goal
In the paragraphs under “Diasporic Versus Mainstream Films: Media Mediation in a Diverse Classroom,” Awokoya and Harushimana talk about representation of African Americans in mainstream media like TV shows, educational videos, and movies. Movies from western countries show inaccurate depictions …
The 4-5th paragraph of the article stood out to me. In these paragraphs, Wong is illustrating how indigenous schools generally provide a curriculum and structure that are designed only to appeal and work with indigenous cultures and needs. The author …