Seyitnazar Kasymov

8 posts

Rough Draft

Language and Identity

Language is the communication means of expression used by people to communicate and is an essential means of communication. On the other hand, language may be linked to an identity of an individual since people distinctively differ …

DB 7

  • Literacy was seen as a tool of power. This is because most of those who were literate came from a very high family, typically with money or descendants of power. If you cannot read anything, then you cannot do anything.


“African children have to contend with both the negative depictions of Africa in the media, and the mis-portrayals about African societies in the school curriculum (i.e. textbooks, films, and magazines) (Awokoya, 2009; Ukpokudu, 1996). Western media presents African people as …

DB #3

  1. There are many different forms of literacy now. Such examples can be texting, social media (such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter), places that share photos, and websites that read the stories aloud.
  2. There have been many different literacy examples, but they