Week 13: Peer Review + Literacy & Technology

Dear ACR 150 Students,

I see 6 essay drafts posted on our Discussion Board. Thank you to those of you who posted–and we need more!

This week’s unit is peer review: you select two classmates’ drafts and review them by answering the 10 peer review questions posted here. Ideally, you provide your feedback over the next few days, so that your classmates can then review your comments, and revise their draft accordingly. Reminder: the final draft of your research essay is due by May 5th.

This week’s topic is Literacy and Technology. While, again, there is no specific assignment linked to this topic–so that you can focus on essay reading and revising–I hope you will review the relevant course materials and take a moment to reflect on technology’s role on your own life.

Reach out with questions,

Prof. Barnes

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