Discussion Board Post 7

Literacy is used as a hegemonic tool of power because during slavery, slave owners didn’t allow their slaves to read books. They knew that if they were able to find their voice from reading, they would start to know their value. The first step to writing is learning to read, so if you can’t read there’s no way you’d know how to write because you wouldn’t know what exactly you’re writing. In the story “The Library Card”, the author read a newspaper, and came across an article that was bashing a white man and he became more interested in why they were bashing him. He had no access to a library card, because blacks weren’t allowed into libraries unless they were running an errand for their bosses. After coming across an Irish Catholic coworker, who agreed to give him his library card he was finally able to read and by reading he felt like he understood the white man more. But the author also knew that he couldn’t even tell everyone what he knew because then they would have to view him as their equals in a sense. 

The black community hasn’t truly been afforded equal access to literacy needs to be successful. In the reading from activity 3, because of the pandemic many kids weren’t able to receive access to schools or educational resources. While schools went remote, there were some students who had no internet access and because of that they weren’t able to learn as well. In public schools in America, some schools have overcrowded classrooms and not enough room for individualized teaching. The other problem was that teachers aren’t given the proper literacy resources to help the children thrive more. If the environment isn’t motivating then the children wouldn’t be able to properly succeed. When I was in high school some schools received better textbooks while others were still using textbooks from previous years, Some resources were scarce and not enough, or most of the time we had to share textbooks.

To better establish more equality for the African American community, we first have to start treating ourselves (African Americans) better. I feel like some of us aren’t as eager to help one another out or even offer help. The generation today are quick to bash one another other than lend a hand. But I also believe the government plays a role in pinning everyone against each other. From breaking up each other into different classes, and not giving everyone the same resources like healthcare, schools, etc.

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