Hi Everyone,
How is work on your research essays going? I will hold a Zoom social on NEW DATE:, Wednesday, April 13th, at 9AM, for about an hour: a great way to get to know your classmates and to check in regarding where you are with your research. Use the same link as my office hours and see you there if you can make it.
This week we will explore literacy and gender. There are two readings, a video, a and a brief quiz on Blackboard. Spring Break is April 15th to April 22nd. When we return, we have a shorter week, April 25th to April 28th, during which there are no assignments to submit, other than the essay draft, by April 28th. Then it’s peer review time and final drafts due by May 5th.
Please reach out with any questions or comments. Stop by my office hours and/ or the Zoom social!
By the way, in the midterm survey, some of you said you didn’t know what your grade is for this class. This is an easy fix: go to your gradebook on Blackboard and see the weighted total for this class. That is your current grade: a number between a 0 and a 100 (or a bit over a 100 if you’ve submitted everything plus some extra credit–that is amazing!). If you are missing any work, let’s chat and come up with a plan for you to be successful in the class.
Post 7–time to submit your enormous post and reply to at least 1 classmate.
Prof. Barnes