DB 7

  • Literacy was seen as a tool of power. This is because most of those who were literate came from a very high family, typically with money or descendants of power. If you cannot read anything, then you cannot do anything. But this all starts with writing, and if you cannot write, then you are not able to read. This is a downfall of an experience for so many because they do not get the chance to learn how to write, so then they are behind already. In the story “The Library Card,” the author talked about literacy. He was able to read, but he could not go into a library because blacks were not able to go there. To go into it, they would have to be doing something for an official, so a boss or a supervisor or someone. He was finally able to obtain a card, and once he did, he was able to go in and read an article that was talking down on a white male. While he was able to read, he could not tell anyone that he would be able to read. 
  • Literacy was used as a hegemonic tool and a tool of power. This is because the black voters were given something that was so confusing and showed that they wanted to keep them out of the voting booth and out of significant decisions. They were given around 10 minutes to complete the test, but it was confusing on purpose. For example, “Draw in the space below, & square with a triangle in it, and within that same triangle draw a circle with a black dot in it.” They would purposely add in things like this to make it confusing for the person taking the test.
  • There are many ways to help establish more things for the Black/ African-American community. One method can be having library access much more accessible. So many cannot go due to the hours, but if there were such a library where it could be electronic and just a 24-hour place, it would help all. We also have to treat people much better, starting with the African American community. So many things can change to help, healthcare as well as schools. There are still so many teachers who are prejudiced against the African American community, not wanting to give them the same attention as their other students. We need to reform the schools and the ability to access healthcare. There have been so many who have been turned away because their insurance may not cover that place, or it is just too much. 

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