Hi Everyone,
Hard to believe it’s midterm week already! I wish you all the best at this busy and often stressful time of the semester.
This week, before you start working on your midterm project, please watch “The Dangers of a Single Story.” I hope that this TEDTalk will inspire you as much as it inspires me every time I hear it–and also, that it will guide you on your path to the midterm project, in this class, and in general.
For the midterm project, I ask that you select 2 perspectives we have so far covered in this class, and teach your audience (in this case, me) about them. I ask that you select at least once source from our course materials and one additional source that you find for each perspective–so your essay would include at least 4 sources total. For each source, it’s good practice to introduce, summarize and then discuss it. I’d love for you to make a personal connection to at least one of the perspectives. Finally, you can absolutely use any of your Discussion Board posts in your essay–it’s your work so not plagiarism! Of course, they may need to be revised, but they may constitute a good base for your project.
There is also a midterm check-in, which asks you to evaluate your performance in the class. It’s 10 questions, and super easy if you aren’t missing any assignments in this class. If you are behind on something, be specific on what it is and how you plan to fix it.
And finally, though it’s the first item on the week’s agenda, please complete the midterm survey–it’s anonymous and will give you a chance to let me know about your experiences so far this semester.
Good luck and reach out with any questions or comments,
Prof. Barnes